fredag 25. november 2016

Battle Report # 11 Issyria 1 vs Caine 2

After a great game against Khador, I get asked if I have time for another game. I accept, another great game versus a great opponent, except this opponent plays Cygnar. I thought Retribution infantry was good.... everytime I look at Cygnar infantry, I just want to switch over to the blues! Anyways, I don't feel like playing a long game, were I have to figure out how to knock down a defence 19 model with heightened reflexes. So I ask my opponent if its okay that I play Issyria.

"Elves are elves, I just want to gun them down!"

If you want to read the dirty Cygnar version, theres a link to my opponents blogg.


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points

(Issyria 1) Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn [+29]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Hyperion [36]
Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber [4]
 - Discordia [18]
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (max) [19]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Heavy Rifle Team [4]
Heavy Rifle Team [4]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution [6]


Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 points

(Caine 2) Captain Allister Caine [+27]
 - Centurion [17]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator [4]
Journeyman Warcaster [4]
 - Firefly [8]
Rangers [9]
Storm Lances (max) [20]
Trencher Infantry (max) [16]
Gun Mage Captain Adept [5]
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord [4]
Ragman [4]

Pre Battle deployment and thoughts

We were playing the scenario, Entrenched. We roll to se who goes first, I win the roll and opt to go first. I can`t see any advantage in picking sides this game since Cain2 is the almighty gunslinger from hell. Plus I don`t think my opponent wants to pick my side, tho I secretly would like to stay at this side.

Round 1

I run up, feeling safe. Position for next turn, and pass the turn over to my opponent. Cygnar being Cygnar, manages to kill of HRT attachment, a few nyss. Runs all trenchers up to dig in. 

Round 2

Nyss Hunters walk up, shoot trenchers, out of 8 shots one trencher dies.

"I want to take a minute or two to talk about Trenchers. This has to be the most broken unit in the game right now. They are so far and beyond what is in the realm of okay. This unit really can do anything and everything. I would gladly trade any Retribution unit for this unit. I would gladly trade any retribution unit to get these guys as mercenaries. For 16 points they are so much better than anything Retribution or any other faction has. Talking strictly about units."

I walk up and shuffle a bit more, this game is lost in my mind. Only offensive models left are my two jacks. I pass the turn.

(In all my anger, I move Issyria, camping two focus out of 4 inches from Hyperion, but 3,98 inches from Discordia. We decide to move her out of range.)

My opponent take a few shots, kills a bunch of stuff moves in to score. And passes the turn, feeling very happy about the game. 

Round 3

I don't get it, I look the throw rule in the rulebook just to make sure. My opponent just handed me the game on a silver platter. Cain standing there with defence 22 caping 2 focus is dead.

I calculate the math, and just to be on the sure side, I walk up my chimera and kill a Storm lancer. Freeing up the two last remaining Nyss hunters. I walk up Hyperion and throw the Chimera one inch behind Cain knocking him down. Cain takes collateral damage, Issyria feats and ancillary attacks Hyperion. Dice show 1, 1, 1. At least blas does some damage. Discordia sprays Cain, and leaves him standing one 1 box. My Nyss Hunters charge in and kill Cain!

Retribution wins!!


We talk a bit about the throw rule, it's ridiculous. We both hope it gets changed. Also the lesson I want to remember from this game is, distance. Your caster is only safe with enough distance. You are truly unkillable when you are out of range for everything, and only then. 

I'm sure by now that my opponent wants revenge, Cain has died more than once by my hands. I feel great! 

Battle Report # 10 Rahn 1 vs Vladimir 1


I have been waiting a long time for this match. This is the second match I have had against Khador. No matter how good Khador is, there aren`t that many players in Oslo, Norway that plays them. Boy did my opponent bring a hardcore list, I was afraid from the first second. But luckily I got to play Rahn. As so many other, my opponent had managed to find the points for Orin. Oh as I hate that model. I hate him with an intense and strong hatred. 

As so many other, my opponent had managed to find the points for Orin. Oh as I hate that model. I hate him with an intense and strong hatred. 


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points

(Rahn 1) Adeptis Rahn [+26]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Discordia [18]
 - Sphinx [13]
 - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker [4]
Mage Hunter Infiltrators (max) [13]
 - Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander [6]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
House Shyeel Magister [4]
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [3]


Khador Army - 73 / 75 points

(Vladimir 1) Vladimir Tzepesci, The Dark Prince [+28]
 - Behemoth [24]
 - Juggernaut [12]
 - Torch [18]
Winter Guard Infantry (max) [11]
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6]
 - Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard [4]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5]
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich [4]
Winter Guard Infantry (max) [11]

 - Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6]

Pre Battle deployment and thoughts

We were playing the scenario, Entrenched. We roll to se who goes first, my opponents wins the roll-off. Opts to go first. I look at the board, and choose to pick the side with two forest terrain pieces.  Between the rocket bonanza the khadorian infantry can dish out, and Behemoth`s blast damage. All the extra dice on the attack rolls I had to up my defence. Mages standing on defence 17 is no joke.

Round 1

My opponent measured out Chain Blast ranges, and moved his infantry very conservatively on the right side, the left flank got a few more running winter guards. Jacks, caster and of course Orin moved up. Placing Vlad in a trench. And Orin within three of Behemoth, Juggernaut and Vlad. The turn got passed to me.

I tried some new tactics, trying to clump up my Infiltrators to avoid the blast damage. Since the Infiltrators are stealth, and Rahn decides deviation directions. In a world with pre measurement you should be able to measure 14 inces. I failed, and Torch got a flare on the only model he could on the Eyriss group. And one on a second group. Also for some reason or another, in my mind, I thought I could telekinesis my Chimera over the wall. That was a huge mistake and later cost me the chimera. 

 At least I placed the mages correctly. Both my jacks in position to do work, with Discordia imprint up hitting bot jacks, some random models and Rahn.
Rahn casts Chain blast from the misplaced Chimera, kills one winterguard. Telekinesis the Chimera as good as possible behind the wall. Since I had given out max focus to the two arc nodes, Rahn was out of focus at this point. End of turn.

Round 2

My opponent ready to tear me a new one, picks up his dice and all hell breaks loose. He runs up with the winter guard on the right flank. Hits, 3 Infiltrators with Flare. Kills Eyriss, and leaves my Chimera on the left flank with 6 boxes. Turn ends.

I normally do all my thinking in my opponent's turn, I was kicking myself because of the Chimera on the left flank. I hit the tank hard, at this rate my opponent might start looking at my mages soon. I had to keep him occupied with other stuff, keep Discordia, my second Chimera and my mages safe.
I move him back, telekinesis an Arcanist up to repair him for 6 boxes. Kill 5 winterguard on the right side. and move my discordia up to spray and kill two models. Hoping I have saved the Chimera. I ran Lanyssa up sacrificing her for my Chimera. Feeling okay about my turn, I passed it over.

Round 3

The Rocketeers had already reloaded and were ready to punish me again. Khador cleans out my zone, kill Lanyssa, Chimera and my arcanist. Well that didn't go as planned. At least that unit is done, and my mages are still safe. My opponent feats, charges in the Torch and kills two Infiltrators. The rest of the Winter Guard kill my objektiv. Khador scores two control points. Turn ends,

Okay, I feel this is the turning point, tho my opponent is in the lead with attrition, and has scored 2 control points. I should be able to clear the infantry on the right flank. And kill a jack!
I telekinesis the jack and kill it with Sphinx. Clear a few infantry on the left flank. Discordia sprays then imprints, outside of charge range of my opponents jacks. I start to do some work on the left flank, that I have so far not been able to do anything with. I run the Magister in range for a combo smith on one of the jacks to knock it down and slam it over Vlad.
I charge two of my four Infiltrators, the two last run to give flank. One charges Vlad, and charges a Winter guard on the left side. Kill the infantry, and do a whooping 6 damage on Vlad. This was a good turn for me. Turn ends.

Round 4

My opponent wants to put the pressure, he sprays and shoots my Discordia, not real damage was put on her. one or two points. He charges up his Juggernaut to kill the Magister, and moves Vlad into the zone to dominate. Putting Orin even closer to my Discordia. Khador goes up to 3 Control points. Turn ends.

In my mind, i'm thinking I just won! I can feat and mess up the placement of Vlad's jacks. Clear both zones and score three control points, then lose a jack to Vlad. 4 - 4, then jut contest in my turn for the win. Or do it with style! I pick assassination! 

The remaining Arcanist hands out a focus to Discordia. She walks up and sprays Orin, needing 7 to hit on 3d6. She hits, boosts damage and kills him. Chimera runs up, telekinesis Vlad in position, then Mages go to work! 

Retribution wins!!


Great game, and a great opponent! The game was very relaxed and interesting. I learned a few things this game. 
1. Rahn with feat is devastating.
2. Mages do short works of casters on feat turn.
3. Occupy your opponents army with Infiltrators work. 

I would love to have more games against Khadow. I'm sure my opponent will be back with a better list, and an even greater game!

Battle Report # 9 Rahn 1 vs Sloan 1


So we redeploy and start a new game. Two games in one, that's a great deal. My opponent is hungering for revenge. So we discuss some more, talk a bit about the matchup. My opponent, that has proven his knowledge of the game, tells me that Rahn has game. So we try again.


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points

(Rahn 1) Adeptis Rahn [+26]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Discordia [18]
 - Sphinx [13]
 - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker [4]
Mage Hunter Infiltrators (max) [13]
 - Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander [6]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
House Shyeel Magister [4]
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [3]


Cygnar Army - 74 / 75 points

(Sloan 1) Captain Kara Sloan [+28]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator [4]
 - Grenadier [9]
 - Grenadier [9]
Captain Arlan Strangewayes [4]
Gun Mage Captain Adept [5]

Trencher Infantry (max) [16]

Pre Battle deployment and thoughts

We were playing the scenario, Entrenched. We roll to se who goes first, I win, and decide to go first. Just to see what the difference is against Sloan. My opponent was to see how he plays into an opponent with an advantageous side, and terrain.

This time around, I want to challenge my opponent a bit, and play different from what he is used to. Playing the normal waiting game against Sloan isn't going to work. He will eventually shoot me off the table. I have yet to play Rahn offensively so I am perhaps even more surprised then my opponent. Live and learn!

Round 1

Okay, I know that hunters hit hard, and accurate. Their threat ranges are huge, because why not it's after all Cygnar, and I don't want to lose my mages. The only way for me to go out hard the first turn, is to run my Infiltrators as far up as I can. And threaten my opponents hunters, while Eyriss can threaten my opponents caster. If my opponent wants any ground, he needs to pay for it. I guess defence 16 should be okay, and they most likely wont take any blast damage, since I decide deviation direction. The rest of my movement is business as usual. Jacks up to block Rahn, mages up as far as I can without making them good targets.

My opponent makes short work out of my Infiltrators, tho Eyriss managed to stay alive. Sloan and her army doesn't need to move, so they stay put. And wait for the next turn they can shoot. This game is for sure all up to what your opponent does. 

Round 2

I'm not sure if this is the right play or not. But I was empty right now. So Rahn feated and killed trenchers. Both mage units killed and I got some damage on my opponents jacks. Not enough tho... Sadly I did a mindless mistake her, I walked up my Discordia to kill a single trencher. Why I felt like this is good play I cant answer, but thats what happened.

Mages got replaced with proxy unit, mhsf.

My opponent feats, kills off me misplaced Discordia. The Magister got killed, a Chimera died. And my opponent moved up to contest the zone.

Round 3

I wish I had my feat for this turn, but it's already spent. I move up my jack and kill one of his, but still lacking a few attacks on the objektiv. I would like to start scoring this turn, but i cannot.

My opponent really wanted to remove my last heavy jack, and so he did. This meant that I as this point and on, only have Rahn, and pow 10 force bolts, and p+s 11 mages left.

Round 4

My opponents jack gets a handful of mage knuckles in his face, plus a telekinesis to get moved out of the zone. The second jack get moved out of the zone and turned around by Rahn. Still the damn objektiv is standing in the zone. The right flank mages move up and his stuff.

The picture says a thousand words. My opponent keeps shooting my army, and its dwindling away at an alarming rate.

Round 5

With no jacks left, I run one arcanist into my own zone. And kill the damn objektiv, a little too late in my opinion. At this time I dont have an army left, and I`m already thinking about how to beat this Sloan list, I definitely need a different caster. I just cant see a solution with Rahn.

Rahn gets assassinated, and that's about it!

Cygnar wins!! 


Unlike the last game, this one was pretty long game. Im trying to see a way to play against Sloan. It seems like Rahn has to run up two turns, and that leaves Sloan one or two rounds for Sloan to just stand still and shoot his army. With true sight there is very few defensively possibilities, I have to rely on good terrain. Which leaves me with few to non options. But my opponent thinks Rahn has game into Sloan, and since he is without doubt better than me. I just have to get back to the drawing board, new plan and a few new games! Until next time man! I`ll get you eventually!!

Battle Report # 8 Rahn 1 vs Sloan 1


I have been waiting a long time for this match, an opponent that is miles better than me. Today's opponent is ranked as the best player in Norway, and just won ClogCon. So this guy means business. And his list isn't any less pleasant to play against than what you would expect. We discuss a bit back and forward, to I get enough and decide that Rahn is my main man, if anyone could do this, it has to be him!
Plus I need to learn how to play Rahn, this is the whole point in this exercise.


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points

(Rahn 1) Adeptis Rahn [+26]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Discordia [18]
 - Sphinx [13]
 - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker [4]
Mage Hunter Infiltrators (max) [13]
 - Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander [6]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
House Shyeel Magister [4]

Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [3]


Cygnar Army - 74 / 75 points

(Sloan 1) Captain Kara Sloan [+28]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Hunter [11]
 - Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator [4]
 - Grenadier [9]
 - Grenadier [9]
Captain Arlan Strangewayes [4]
Gun Mage Captain Adept [5]
Trencher Infantry (max) [16]

Pre Battle deployment and thoughts

We were playing the scenario, Entrenched. We roll to se who goes first, my opponents wins the roll-off. Opts to go first. I look at the board, and choose to pick the side with a trench. I can't possibly stand in the open against a weapon master that shoots twice with RAT 8. With Rahn, and his defence 15. This is one of the first games I go into without a plan, I guess assassination is on the table. But I anticipate my opponent standing safe. I don't have enough damage for to kill all these light jacks. But I guess I have to stand and take one in the face, and then assassinate.

Round 1

My opponent runs up, and gets ready to kill everything, a few Infiltrators are already in range to be shoot right of the bat. But most are out of range, 22 inch threat range is sick, but thats the world we are living in.

I stood there wondering what to do. Its my first round, and I have already lost a few models. This is going to be brutal! I walk up with a few models, run up with others. Make sure to be in position for next turn. I place Rhan in a trench, with two jacks infront of him, outside of the trench, with Discordia imprint up. It's time to take on the cheek!

Round 2

Picture is from my opponent's side.

Let me keep this short and simple, Sloan feats, and shoots two times at Rahn, missing one, rolling for 11`s on 3d6. All hunters shoot twice, 1 connect and do some damage. The turn is over, Sloan is standing in the open, and Rahn has feat and mages left. My opponent looks at the table, and coincides the game.

Retribution wins (I can't comment how much I deserve that win)!!


Short game, and to be honest I didn't kill a single model. But I got a feel for how Rahn defends into Sloan. Sloans shooting is super strong, and with field marshal true sight, it gets hard super fast. But the game was to shoot to draw any conclutions. Time for game two!

mandag 21. november 2016

Battle Report # 7 Rahn 1 vs Captain Bartolo Montador 1


So we redeploy and start a new game. Two games in one, that's a great deal. My opponent is hungering for revenge. My opponent wanted if not to win, more experience against Rahn. And I for one, would like to get a few more games in. I guess you will eventually get better at seeing the angles with Rahn the more you play.


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points

(Rahn 1) Adeptis Rahn [+26]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Discordia [18]
 - Sphinx [13]
 - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker [4]
Mage Hunter Infiltrators (max) [13]
 - Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander [6]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
House Shyeel Magister [4]
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [3]


Mercenary Army - 75 / 75 points

(Montador 1) Captain Bartolo Montador [+26]
 - Mangler [15]
 - Nomad [11]
 - Nomad [11]
 - Nomad [11]
 - Talon [7]
 - Galleon [39]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5]
Gobber Tinker [2]

Pre Battle deployment and thoughts

We were playing the scenario, Outlast. We roll to se who goes first, my opponents wins the roll-off. Opts to go first, Im to lazy to move, so I pick the side I'm sitting at already. From previous experience I know for a fact that, when you get assassinated by Rahn. You play your second match against him super careful. Therefore Im sure this game will come down to attrition, or scenario. So I need to change my mind set, and start thinking scenario. My list isn't strong enough to beat down that much armor.

Round 1

My opponent runs everything up, trying to be out of push/pull range. Keeping Orin ridiculously far back. I was trying to set up some sort of tactics for killing Orin. But after my opponents placement of Orin, I just gave up. 

"This is the Rahn effect"

Again I feel safe when moving up my army. The infiltrators are in the way, so my jacks can't get pulled by Gallion. And his shooting is very limited. Rahn taking away the blast deviation, next to half of my army that is already immune to blast damage. I let Lanyssa run up fare to the right, still in the zone, if my opponent doesn't want me to score, he has to pay. And with the lack of infantry, one of his jacks have to run in. One of them running, is good for me.

Round 2

I'm not sure why my opponents opts to do his next move. And to be perfectly honest, I didn't see it coming. I feel that my opponent could have accomplished a lot more this turn, after seeing what he did.

Not being able to charge my Infiltrators, my opponent runs his Talon as close as he can, still within the range of Galleon. He fules his colossal and slams Talon over my infantry, aiming for Eiryss. Needless to say, she died. And that's okay, my problem was the battle mage, and two infiltrators that died with her. Looking at the bright side, non of my jacks got hurt. Tho Talon got slammed into the wall, and was knocked down with only a handful of boxes left.The rest of the turn my opponent shuffled around, and made sure he was ready for his next turn. And he feated!

I measured back and forward, there is not way I can place my Chimera in range of a telekinesis on his caster. But I could put some damage on him. Also I had to get rid of as many jacks as I could. This is how I see it, if I kill his colossal, he would kill both of my jacks with the rest of his jack. Putting them to close to Rahn, and the mages. If I kill his jacks, his colossal is going to kill my jacks. But that wins me a turn or two more. Pluss thats just one big jack! 

So I pull a few jacks back and forward. Making sure that my models did not move into my opponents feat range. Killing one Nomad, and hurting the Mangler badly. The rest of his jacks, get either pushed away, and turned around, or slammed far away. I'm making my opponent choose. Kill my jacks and give me two control points, or stop me from scoring.

After this turn I gain 1 control point.

Round 3

My opponent pulls my two jacks on, and start attacking them. Sadly for him, he rolls low. So both are fully operational. Also he has no way of stopping me to score in his turn. He runs back with hi sjacks, ready for next turn. Knowing that I cant possibly kill all of them. 

So I fuel up my jacks, and go for killing his colossal. After the dust had settled, his colossal was still healthy, and ready to kill my jacks. 
So miscalculating the damage output on my two jacks with 40 boxes isn't normally something I do. Trying to make amends I push my opponents jacks back as far as I could. Turn some of them around and leave the turn with 2 control points.

Round 4

My two jacks die by the hands of Galleon. The rest of the turn my opponent runs his jack's back into the game. Still holding Orin and his caster far in the back.

There isn't much to do as this point, I push his jacks out of the game again, make sure that Galleon is tied down at the best of my ability. Clear both zones, and score in one of them. I move my Chimera to the right zone up to engage one of the Nomads.
I score 3 control points.

Round 5

My opponent runs in to stop me from scoring. moves Galleon and kills my bouth Chimeras, still afraid of an assassination.

" The Rhan effect"

He is content with the turn, and passes it to me. 

I telekinesis Rahn as far up as I could, charged to jack, and toed the zone. Feat, telekinesis closest jack. and my opponent concede defeat. 

Retribution wins!!


Okay, as I stated to my opponent, his list were lacking units. Or volumes of shoots, attacks. Therefore my army is safe to we clash in the middle. And as long as my mages have low defence targets, and few model count, they will win the game for you. This gives me a few ideas to try out after this match. As always opponent took the defeat with a smile, and swore revenge! Thanks for hte game mate!